In my years of observing life as it happens around me and writing about it, and in the recent events of the last few weeks that have come into my view, I see that my observations have encompassed only that which I am aware of. As I become more aware, I can comment on my observations of events, experiences, shifts and atrocities. As I make myself available to learn and take in new information, to listen to what I have not heard before and see that something else has been going on, I am changed and I can’t go back to thinking how I use to think.

See the links to films and resources at the bottom of this post for ways to learn and help.


As I hear with my ears and see with my eyes the angst and pain of people, I can’t dismiss it. Becoming aware of the pain of the Black community around the world and getting glimpses of what is real for them in their day to day lives is not political, but it may require one to change their politics. Becoming aware and open to see the atrocities of indigenous humans and the land for which they lived on this globe of ours is an awakening. Yes, I have heard stories, was taught in our public schools, I have seen the news, felt frustrated at our government for treating human lives less than the folks that sit on The Hill. But, I didn’t really comprehend. But I am trying. I had no idea the depth of hate that is out there, but I knew that people hated. I didn’t know about the countless human lives that have been killed in our country because of race based violence, but I am getting a glimpse and it saddens me. I am also observing in myself and others a sense of grief, of betrayal, and even guilt because our eyes are seeing in real time the inhumane ways groups of power are treating others because of the color of their skin, where they were born, the gender they choose to associate themselves as, or whom they choose to love. WE ARE ALL DIFFERENT expressions of humanity and I am now sick and tired of groups of people wanting to kill off those that are different than themselves. I am tired of human beings being treated as “less than” because they don’t fit another person’s mold of what a person should be, act, look like, etc. What’s the threat? That we all become equal? That we lose an ego sense of special-ness because we are all human beings deserving a life of creativity, growth, individuality, love, and expression? We don’t lose anything when someone else is treated fairly and treated with kindness and love!!! There is a limitless supply of Life and we all should be able to live it!

The leaders of our government teach inequality and discrimination through their actions as well as inaction. If there was equality for all, we would be in a different place now. But my observation is that this new Civil Rights Movement we are seeing on the coat tails of COVID-19 is a shake up this world has needed. This planet has been awakened, shaken, and made aware that something is stirring and the band-aid has been ripped off and the scab has been torn off and we are seeing the bleeding wounds of our actions for the last 400 years which reminds me of what Atticus Finch told Scout in To Kill a Mockingbird (see attached picture). I am also observing something else. I have seen first hand a wake of stunned people, sinking into despair and numbness over the global revealing of the atrocities that have been occurring. I can’t imagine the pain and exhaustion that my Black co-workers have been facing since they took their first breath. It is incomprehensible to my soul and I have not been personally aware of their stories until now. And this only expands my awareness of marginalized and indigenous human beings who still have their civil rights ignored, are also treated unjustly, and have had their lands taken from their families by our government.

This is a lot to absorb for some who are just now seeing this, observing it live, and learning the truth of that which has been here for so long. We can’t sweep this under the carpet anymore. We are in the middle of history, making history, and it is time for healing! Each person has their own capacity of what they can do. Each of us needs to do something, to use our gifts, and do so for the long haul and not just for this month or this year, but to keep the momentum going without burning out. We do that by choosing something we can handle each day – something within our ability to do and take breaks if we get overwhelmed so we can return and be the change that is needed in our locality. Just as everyone is different, so our gifts are different. What I am able to do and what my best friend is able to do is different, but together our actions creates a web of support because our minds are unified in the big picture. And what is the Big Picture?

  • The End of Race Based Violence!
  • Equality for All!
  • Education and Awareness!
  • The End of Oppression of those different than “the majority”!
  • Loving your neighbor and seeing them as human… as we are all human!!!

We do this by taking one step at a time, by asking what am I able to do these next 24 hours, by listening and learning, by being willing to see the world differently, and by love.

My Observation has been Expressed,


10 Must-Watch Black History Movies or Documentaries on Netflix:

A special thanks to Colette Baron-Reid for these resources below:

​✨ Black Lives Matter Carrd – ​
✨​ Minnesota Fund – ​
​✨ Color for Change – ​
​✨ Support The Movement – ​
✨​ Dream Defenders –


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